
Victoria Seidel

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April 3, 2024

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Read with Me – March 2024

Any one else tired of the rain?! We haven’t seen the sun in a while and while I’d usually say rainy days make for the perfect reading days I miss the sun, especially when I spent all month reading about the perfect vacation spots. Check out the reviews below for vacation inspo!

For the Plot by Katie Van Brunt

Crete Meet Cute, Second Chance Romance, Dual POV, One Bed, Forced Proximity, He Falls First

Stars: ★★★★.5

Spice: 🌶🌶🌶

“I see the way he looks at you.” That gets my attention. It’s my turn to prop my elbows on the table. “How does he look at me?” “Like you’ve changed his life.”

Holy Mother of HOTNESS, someone get me a fan!

After a unforgettable one-night stand in Greece, Joey and Cam find themselves at a crossroad – return home to live lives less than the ones they are capable of living or throw caution to the wind and chase their dreams. The only problem is that they can’t stop thinking about each other. A little help from fate, a flight to Crete and a weeklong adventure bring the two back together, but will the relationship they build survive back in NYC or should what happened on Crete stay on Crete?

Katie Van Brunt’s writing has depth, her characters could walk off the page and the spice is off the charts (queue said fan!). For the Plot will easily be this summer’s hottest rom-com!

*Thank you to the author for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

A Crown of Aconite by Elena H. Covens

Enemies to Lovers, Found Family, Forced Proximity

Stars: ★★★★

Spice: 🌶🌶

“Even still, I would endure a hundred more years of your hatred if it meant you were safe.”

A Crown of Aconite is the perfect mix of thrilling mystery, edge of your seat suspense, and romance!

A slow start quickly escalated to me frantically turning the page to find out what situation Audrey would find herself in next or if we would get any closer to unraveling the mystery of the Fae lands.

Written like a well played game of chess, A Crown of Aconite is guaranteed to leave you with more questions than answers after well thought out moves and one hell of a cliffhanger. We are in no better position than Audrey, but I cannot wait to see how this story unfolds!

*Thank you to the author for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Keeping the Score by Brandy Pelletier

Second Chance Romance, Frenemies to Lovers, Sports Romance, Dual POV, Matchmaking Competitions, Small Town Romance, “Good Girl”

Stars: ★★★★★

Spice: 🌶🌶

Favorite insult: (Yes I had one of those! – and this one is perfect because it makes me think of work. Iykyk.)

“Didn’t you learn that you’re about as useful as a screen door in a submarine?”

Brandy Pelletier’s small town of Bennett, Georgia is guaranteed to have you packing your bags and getting on the next train (or plane) to find yourself a hunky swoon worthy man or a feisty book loving, cupcake baking best friend – or, at the very least, have you googling peach chili recipes, baking more cupcakes than is humanly possible to eat and looking forward to football season!

Between the Lines, which is a MUST read, was our first introduction into the small Georgian town, meddling townsfolk and swoon worthy men! Forced to set aside their long standing animosity to save their best friends relationship, Mel and Del tease that there might be more to their relationship than their strong dislike for one another. Teetering the thin line between love and hate Mel and Del work to overcome past misunderstandings and stop fighting the spark that ignites between them before they set each other up with another perfect match.

Brandy’s writing is beautiful, the banter is on fire, the tension so thick you need to cut it with a knife and spice that is perfectly delicious. Mel and Cordell set the pages ablaze with their snarky insults and heated moments. A heartfelt love story focused on the importance of family and friends, redemption for past misunderstandings, accepting forgiveness, and healing from heartbreak.  Brandy if we were on the football field this would be a TOUCHDOWN!

*Thank you to the author for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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